Angel Hearted of a Blind Woman :
Priskilla Smith Jully

How lucky you are when was born from a very loving parents that appreciate your existence since in the womb until now. But, have you imagine if you were a person born blind, in the womb unwanted, unloved parents, even abandoned?

As myself do not dare to imagine. Probably most people will be angry, frustrated, becomes weak, no self confidence, even suicide? But, it does not happen to woman angels  this one. Her name is Priskilla Smith Jully.

Priskilla misfortunes did not make her worse. Instead she has become a hero. Woman born May 8, 1978 has been being  “a mother” for dozens of displaced people, orphans, disabled people and wasted as well as established the School of Life (SOL) in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. In fact, she just graduated from fifth grade elementary school. But, when we hear she speak, this strong woman is not only wise but also smart.

That's the impression I gathered, when I saw her the first time in a television show. She is truly awesome and inspiring me to write here. Because there are many life lessons can we learn from Priskilla.

Priskilla SoL established not only to accommodate and feed displaced people of all ages from babies to parents, but also educate, guide and help them to be independent and discover the true meaning of life.

Priskilla admits that her parents once struggled in various ways tried to abort the current content of Priskilla in the womb. But, apparently God wanted Priskilla to stay alive. She was born, but in a state of blind. According to Priskilla, her parents did not want her because she was present in the distance is too close to her sister. In addition, they wanted a boy, not a girl.

"My parents upset with me because I am blind existence. I grow up as wasted child. I was very depressed. Ever tried smoking and suicide," said Priskilla.

Fortunately, Priskilla has a friend who was a church activist. This is the friend who asked to be active in religious social activities. Then, Priskilla decided to move from Jambi, Sumatra home of her parents to Semarang, Central Java in 2004. In a religious educational activities in Ungaran was inspired to establish Sol,  when she heard a speaker from the Dream Center (similar SOL) of the United States.

In fact, at that time Priskilla was alone living in Semarang, not work and do not have anybody. However, not long in 2005 he received as radio announcer in a spiritual radio station (Rhema) Semarang. From this step begins.

When she began to be able to tread in the foot herself, has a rented room, she also began to extend a helping hand to those who are outcast and helpless, like she had ever experienced. The first was helping people is Merry, paralyzed woman who had just been orphaned. "I could not bear to see Merry live alone. Without thinking, I immediately took her to live together in my dorm room. The risk, I have to spend additional living expenses," said Priskilla.

Happy by helping neglected peoples

Since then, Priskilla began to accommodate anyone who she thought needed help. Her residence is also often moved. Experience life as an unloved child and wasted makes her now more empathetic to people who suffer the same fate. "Departing from the life I was, I was determined to prosper the people who end up like me," she said.

Of course, the money earned from her job as a radio announcer is not enough to accommodate and support the peoples who live with her. Thus, Priskilla and SoL members themselves trying to make money by selling just about anything, such as staple foodstuffs, clothes, even as a singer and clown at the birthday and wedding party. Priskilla believes that what she is doing is for God's guidance. Thus, she believes there will always be a way to sustain its activities, but they never beg.

SoL building itself is still hiring. That, too, thanks to the generosity of a mother who does not know her true identity to contribute to the cost of rental housing for three years. Up to now there are nearly 100 people are accommodated Priscilla. She does not feel burdened. It is precisely these activities make life seem meaningful. "It was so quiet when do not  hear their laughter and jokes," she said.

Priscilla happiness is helping and sharing with others. In fact, Priskilla has been married since 2006, with Fandy Kusuma, the man who once were same profession friends as a radio announcer. They have been blessed with a child. Priskilla's husband initially objected to Priskilla Sol and assume her as stupid. "But, my husband is more stupid, because he loves me," joked Priskilla.

But, now her husband would also intervene to set management SoL. Priskilla and her little family and the members of the SOL have been together as a big family. Families who taught love, togetherness and living in the real sense. Priskilla's eyes are blind, but her heart is very brightly lit. She was at peace with the past and her parents who had neglected and wasted her.


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