
Showing posts from September, 2012

Life after death in Islamic view

Where were you after be declared dead? Surely, peoples closest to you will take care of your body and buried it in the cemetery. Actually, your life is not really stop, but continued in the grave. Simple, isn’t it? We never imagined, how the soul in our body will be lost. It was, we will never lose our soul. It’s different with our bodies. There are times when we feel unbearable pain, fatigue, so we feel the need to rest or sleep. When the pain was unbearable, we will rest forever. This is the death of the body. The doctrine of monotheism religions have beliefs about life after death. When a person dies, the spirit will return to God who created it. Whether a person will have a good or bad place on side of the Lord, will depend on the good deeds done during life.

How to Rebuild Self Esteem ?

Self esteem is very important to achieve a meaningful life. However, sometimes a person loses self-esteem because unexpected things happen in life. How to restore that important self esteem ? Be aware that self-esteem is closely linked to self confidence mostly the result of the formation from the attitudes of others received by us throughout life. Level of self esteem is determined by psychological messages given by the significant people  throughout the developmental period of life. So, most self-esteem is formed due to the attitude of parents, siblings, people close to the superior, playmates, and other important people who entered the life. How well a person's level of self esteem at first, it can be changed and shaken because a lot going on. For example, when someone is experiencing a breakup or rejected in love, going through a divorce while in a marriage, fired from jobs, businesses crash, gets nasty gossip or rumors from friends or family and so on. At times like

The Reasons to Love Grape !

Grape is my favorite fruit. So, I like to share the amazing benefits of it to our health. The fact, my love to this one is reasonable. This fruit contains antioxidants and high fiber, so it can be a source of energy which refreshing and efficacious to prevent premature aging. In addition, this fruit contains vitamins C, A, B (thiamin), E and K (potassium). Vitamin C is good for healthy gums and mouth (anti thrush), also contains antioxidants that can keep the body’s immunity. All vitamins are very useful for maintaining a healthy body.

Advantages of Forgiving Others

Forgiving others who have wronged us is often the case that is not easy to do. Moreover, when mistakes are made is not simple. Naturally, we often wish there was a reply in kind  a mistake that has done it. Is there any advantage if we forgive others? Each person must ever have had felt let down, betrayed, wronged by others. There is a sense of anger, disappointment, frustration and deep sadness especially if it is done by those we love, close friends, friends or confidants. When you follow the desires, there is a feeling of injustice or want to reply to someone else's treachery. Or vent their anger on the person concerned. It was this sense of fairness and an already satisfying feeling angry and disappointed. Feeling angry, frustrated and sad indeed only human. It is human nature will naturally feel all those feelings when let down, mistreated, abused, or wronged. In Islam, a person is entitled to avenge injustice / oppression of others with treatment accordingly. Ho