Life after death in Islamic view

Where were you after be declared dead? Surely, peoples closest to you will take care of your body and buried it in the cemetery. Actually, your life is not really stop, but continued in the grave. Simple, isn’t it?

We never imagined, how the soul in our body will be lost. It was, we will never lose our soul. It’s different with our bodies. There are times when we feel unbearable pain, fatigue, so we feel the need to rest or sleep. When the pain was unbearable, we will rest forever. This is the death of the body.

The doctrine of monotheism religions have beliefs about life after death. When a person dies, the spirit will return to God who created it. Whether a person will have a good or bad place on side of the Lord, will depend on the good deeds done during life.

Thus, from this perspective, life after death is eternal. Meanwhile, life in this world is just a short and temporary. Death of the body is definitely going to happen to anyone. However, some people are still not convinced whether there’s another life after the death?

If you think, this soul was out when this body dies, then what is the purpose God created life and man? There will be many questions and a sense of injustice. When will the goodness someone got a reply in kind, nor badness?

There are many experiences of people who have had near-death believed that the human soul does not die when it be declared dead body. But the soul is moved to another world. As expressed American psychologist and philosopher, Raymond A. Moody in his book "Life after life". This book is a study of 150 people who have had near-death experince.

From the research, there are 9 elements encountered by people who are near death are strange sounds, peace and out of pain, out of body experience, experience in the tunnel, quickly rose to the top, man of light, beings of light, life review and pressure to back.

That is, when the body is called "dead", the spirits still exist, but in different nature. In the concept of Islam, natural stopover after death is called the grave nature : Barzakh. Here the spirit is in between  two walls : world (the past) and the next (hereafter). In Barzakh the human soul will meet with angels who will give the questions, thereby determining whether he's good or bad.

When he's good, he can rest in the grave in peace and comfort. However, if he is bad he will get torment until the Doomsday, when the earth and all its contents and occupants suffered destruction and death. Then, after the Doomsday, all people raised from the dead, deeds counted when live in the world, and decided to go to heaven or hell.

In some narrations of the Prophet Muhammad, we are told that according to the prophets, the people who are in the grave can be able to see and feel what is done by people that still living in the world. However, they can not provide the response to the previous world in which he lives.

If there is now a tradition lay a wreath on the tomb or pouring water, it  is not without meaning. At the time of prophet Muhammad, the prophet said to put midrib dates on the grave, because the person in the grave was being tormented. With midrib dates placed over the grave, the punishment of the person is slightly lightened / suspended until the midrib is dry.

So of course there is life after death. Believe it or not, it is a choice and faith. But, learning from some peoples who have had near death experience, it is worth to do best as human being and be religious.


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