Seven Most Beautiful Country in the World

If you want to do travelling to enjoy natural beauty of a country, then here is the list of seven most beautiful country can be reference. Although, the choices here could be subjective of me, but it can be chosen base on what I see. The beauty aspect which naturally --not been made by human become prior consideration.

1.  Ireland

The republic of Ireland is an island located in Atlantic Ocean to north west of Europe continental separated from Great Britain by Ireland sea. 

Low lying mountains surrounded with rivers become fascinate landscape, plus cultures treasures of Europe in past that still remain well, till modern art.

2.  New Zealand

New Zealand is small country in southeast of Australia. It is populated about 4 millions peoples. 

This country has beautiful landscape that is chain of highlands, natural rivers, sweep lines of beautiful beaches, and lush rainforests. Having history bonding from its original race : Maori blending with European culture.

3.  Indonesia

This is archipelago country that be right on equator line, with warm climate in year round. Thousands islands are promising exotic beauty of beaches, mountains, lakes, waterfalls and tropical forests. 

The most popular islands as tourist destination is Bali as also Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, etc. Indonesia has varied culture from dozens race who live in here.

4. Canada

Canada is the second biggest country in the world after Rusia. Located in north of American continental, the area extends from Atlantic to Pacific, and northward into Arctic ocean.

Having such a vast land area and still original, Canada promising many beauties such some national parks, Niagara waterfall that has been popular, ski areas so widely, till the exotic culture from original race : Aborigin and of course, Europe culture.

5.  Switzerland

This beautiful country is one of the richest country in the world based on wealth per capita of gross domestic product which high. Switzerland is a landlocked country divided between the Alps, the Swiss Plateau dan the Jura, spanning an area about 41 km2

Beauty of the Alps with its plateau dominates this little country in the heart of Europe. Zurich and Geneva is two global cities that become economic centre of Switzerland.

6.  Netherlands / Holands

Netherlands that famous by windmill and tulip flower is country in Europe. It borders with Germany in East and Belgium in South. This monarchi with 12 provinces beside having unique beautiful natural, also full historic culture in their cities. Such Amsterdam that has magnificent architectural, as also Rotterdam. While Leiden is historic students city with oldest university and national museums. 

Netherlands is often called Holland as well having lowlands, even in some places are lower than sea level around.  

7.  Thailand

Thailand is country in Southeast Asia which most famous as tourism destination because of beauty of the beaches, rivers, exoticism of traditional culture that still strong, coincide with progress of modernity. Of course, it has varied rich culinary and tempting to be tasted from side roads till restaurants.


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